
Wild Posters.

Capture Attention Wildly with Black Llama Wild Poster Campaigns!

At Black Llama, we believe in the power of wild posters to make a bold impact at street level. Our campaigns are strategically designed to dominate key locations, reaching a diverse and dynamic audience.


Why Choose Us ?

Eye-Catching Creativity for Instant Impact

Wild Posters

Wild posters demand attention, and our creative team ensures that your message is delivered with eye-catching visuals and bold creativity. From vibrant colors to striking imagery, we create posters that stand out and leave a lasting impression.

Strategic Placement for Maximum Exposure

Wild Posters

Location is everything. Our wild poster campaigns are strategically placed in high-traffic areas, ensuring that your brand message is seen by pedestrians, motorists, and passersby, creating a widespread and impactful presence.

Customized Sizes for Versatility

Wild Posters

No space is too small or too big. We offer wild posters in various sizes to suit different locations and campaign objectives. Whether it's a narrow alley or a prominent building facade, we customize the size to maximize visibility.

Street Teams for Personalized Engagement

Wild Posters

Enhance the impact of wild posters with street teams. Our teams engage directly with the audience, distributing promotional material and fostering personal connections, creating a multi-dimensional campaign experience.

Interactive QR Codes for Digital Connection

Wild Posters

Bridge the gap between offline and online. Our wild posters often feature interactive QR codes, allowing passersby to connect with your brand digitally. Whether it's accessing exclusive content or promotions, we create a seamless transition from the physical to the digital realm.

Data-Driven Insights for Campaign Optimization

Wild Posters

Measure the success of your wild poster campaign with data-driven insights. We provide analytics on engagement, reach, and other key metrics, allowing you to optimize your strategy and maximize the effectiveness of your street-level campaigns.



We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including creative design, strategic media planning, media buying, digital marketing, and campaign analytics.

Our team specializes in crafting unique and compelling creative strategies that resonate with your target audience. We leverage innovative media buying techniques to ensure your message reaches the right audience at the right time.

We have extensive experience across various industries, including but not limited to personal injury law, retail, technology, healthcare, hospitality, and finance. Our diverse portfolio allows us to tailor strategies to meet the specific needs of each industry.

Our media buying process begins with thorough research to identify the most effective channels for your target audience. We negotiate and secure optimal placements, continuously optimizing campaigns for the best return on investment.

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Ready to think


(310) 612-8700

10940 Wilshire Blvd #1600,
Los Angeles, CA 90024