

Transform urban landscapes with Black Llama wallscapes advertising!

At Black Llama, we understand the power of outdoor advertising. Our Wallscape solutions are designed to transform urban landscapes, ensuring that your brand dominates key locations with high-visibility and high-impact placements.


Why Choose Us ?

Architectural Integration for Aesthetic Appeal


Wallscape advertising goes beyond traditional billboards. Our team strategically integrates your brand message with urban architecture, creating visually appealing displays that enhance the aesthetic appeal of the surrounding environment.

Iconic Locations for Maximum Exposure


Capture attention in iconic locations. Our Wallscape placements are strategically selected to maximize exposure, whether it's in the heart of city centers, along busy streets, or at key intersections, ensuring that your brand stands out in high-traffic areas.

Large-Format Visuals for Maximum Impact


Go big for maximum impact. Wallscape advertising offers large-format visuals that command attention from pedestrians, motorists, and passersby, creating a powerful and memorable representation of your brand.

Strategic Lighting for Nighttime Visibility


Visibility matters day and night. Our Wallscape solutions often include strategic lighting to ensure that your brand remains visible and impactful even after sunset, creating a 24/7 advertising presence.

Interactive and Augmented Reality Elements


Go beyond static displays. Our Wallscape advertising can incorporate interactive and augmented reality elements, creating immersive brand experiences that engage audiences and leave a lasting impression.

Comprehensive Route Planning for Targeted Reach


Strategic route planning is key. Our team identifies and plans Wallscape placements along routes that align with your campaign objectives, ensuring that your brand reaches specific demographics and target markets for optimal impact.



We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including creative design, strategic media planning, media buying, digital marketing, and campaign analytics.

Our team specializes in crafting unique and compelling creative strategies that resonate with your target audience. We leverage innovative media buying techniques to ensure your message reaches the right audience at the right time.

We have extensive experience across various industries, including but not limited to personal injury law, retail, technology, healthcare, hospitality, and finance. Our diverse portfolio allows us to tailor strategies to meet the specific needs of each industry.

Our media buying process begins with thorough research to identify the most effective channels for your target audience. We negotiate and secure optimal placements, continuously optimizing campaigns for the best return on investment.

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(310) 612-8700

10940 Wilshire Blvd #1600,
Los Angeles, CA 90024